Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

14 August 2013

Baby Blues

:: Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ::
:: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful ::

Ketiadaan laptop atau komputer membantutkan kerja-kerja mengupdate blog. Sorry. Last entry pun masa tengah berpantang. Sempat curi masa guna komputer ayah.

2 minggu pertama ada baby ni (rasa skema pulak dah..) orang gelarkan baby blues. Dulu tak faham maksud baby blues ni. Dan saya rasa macam, ahhh what kind of blues pun I still can cope with it. Uhh sungguh berlagak. But you won't feel it until you face it.

Minggu pertama Fateh di rumah uwa (gelaran nenek bagi orang Payakumbuh) sebenarnya bukan kat rumah pun. 1st week berkampung kat hospital (later will story bout this). Stress yang amat. Yes, this is baby blues. Dengan keadaan anak yang sakit, alone kat hospital (husband kerja dan hanya datang lepas waktu kerja), I don't have my mom to help me uruskan Fateh and myself since masih sakit lepas bersalin, tak pantang dengan betul, bedal je apa yang hospital bagi makan (I don't have any choice! Otherwise I tak makan), tertekan tengok Fateh lesu, stress dengar baby-baby lain menangis, sedih tengok Fateh kena cucuk tiap hari, tangan kaki bengkak sebab drip aihhh and more. Banyak nak list kan semput dah.

You don't have enough sleep, susah susukan anak sebab luka on your nipple while your baby sucking, crying all over breastfeeding session, need to wake up almost each hour for changing diaper and feeding, barut, pilis, sakit perut, luka episiotomy (how the hell to spell it?). Ahhh ini semua sangat mencabar.

End up, you'll get used of all this. Semua ni hilang when you saw

this kind of Yes-mom-Is-there-anything-I-can-help-you? face.

I love him more. I can't imagine how can I fall in love with him at the first sight. 

My petua is, kalau rasa stress on the first few weeks, yes, weeks, not days, banyakkan istighfar, dan renunglah anugerah Allah ni, dan amanah-Nya.

Later you'll feel everything is just small mater.

Relax, mom. Take a deep breath and snap!

Gotcha! You are on camera!
