Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

29 August 2009

Rain and Tears~

selebat mana pun hujan membasahi
belum tentu menandingi hiba hati

biar sekuat mana petir menyambar
kuat lagi dentuman jantung ini

hitam arang tak mungkin hilang
walau berjuta permata ku tabur

tiada yang tinggal
hanya kasih ikhlas sepenuh hati


26 August 2009

Feeling nothing~!

How do you feel
When you are the only
Eager to do many things
While the other side
Feeling nothing..


so sad~

24 August 2009

New Song with Best Rhythm Ever

am i ready to hear a new rhythm and sing the same song together?
make a new song and together sing it in a harmonic way.
ouh, i heard the happiness melody.
thanks for everything~

Pesta Konvo -> Ramadhan -> Report? -> Assignment tertangguh -> my new baby mua mua muahh

semua orang pun banyak tulis pasal ramadhan. huh. sudah lama juga saya tidak mengupdate ini belog. baru hari ni rasanya ada mood untuk menulis *itu pun dalam keadaan swing2 sebab kejap lagi ada presentation untuk subjek satellite and sensor design*.

pesta konvo dah lepas, so as a secretary, inilah masa paling busy sebab kena siapkan report *yang tebalnya cam rasa nak jadikan report tu tajuk PSM je malah lebih tebal dari 3 tesis PSM*. nak buek cemano dah itu kojo den :D

jumaat hari tu present title PSM. boleh laa~... then balik rumah sebab nak celebrate 1 ramadhan kat rumah. plus meet my first baby. his name is KANCIL 660 EX CBE 9030. canggih gilerr nama. rasa puas sebab finally i got my 'baby' with my effort. pheww~!

then balik utm hari ahad, start swing2 sebab presentation. oh, i have to do my work. till meet u then with more piccas of my baby.. ekekeke~! daa!

18 August 2009


too busy
got lots of work to do


13 OGOS 2009 - 19 OGOS 2009

12 August 2009

Lawatan ke ATSB

sebenarnya lawatan ni dah lama dah.. tahun lepas.. masa amik subjek satelit 1.. kitorang gi lawatan ke atsb.. company yang buat satelit kat malaysia nih... tak tau nape ase cam nak upload dis picca... *org dah kasi tengok tuh tengok je laa.. manyak lak soal huh*

10 August 2009


geram bila terpaksa menghadapi kerenah birokrasi yang menyesakkan
geram bila terpaksa berhadapan dengan orang yang hanya fikirkan kesenangan di pihak dia
geram bila orang tak reti nak hargai apa yang kita dah buat dan korbankan
geram bila hisss....

dah rr..

geram gila!

saya tahu, semua sekretariat pesta konvo ke 43 tengah di zaman pening-pening dan kemuncak tekanan..

sabar nadia...

06 August 2009

Senarai Kerjaan Ini Hari

Oh, i lost my planner. so i am lost for a while. i forgot where did i put it. i am lost without my planner. where is it? anybody knows where did i put my planner? oh plizz... :( i got lots of work this week and next coming week since the pesta konvo will be just around the corner. i need my planner!! somebody help me!!!!!

for convo fiest,
- double check Bo's script for opening ceremony
- checking salutation *he need to speak in front of Sultanah, hence the protocol must be tip top*
- JI meeting minute! i need to prepare it before i leave for RS camp
- surat pengecualian kuliah for the whole week of convo fiest

vice president activity,
- meeting agenda about MPP's activity for last semester and this semester to submit to Mr. President for MPPF meeting tonight
- brainstorming agenda for MPPP draft this sunday *i need to complete this before i'm goin to RS camp since the meeting will be held on this sunday nite*

student of 4SGS
- DIP proposal *submitted today!! but imah said, next je lorr.. tak sempat :(*
- literature review for spatial data analysis *submit next week (wednesday)*
- wut else!

ouhh.. help me.. i just have 2 hands for all this thing!

04 August 2009

Untukmu Teman

this entry specially dedicated for my friends... appreciating this friendship for my entire life...

to yan n ana --> thanks for being really understanding and give me some task to do for group work. plus always remind me all the assignments to be submitted. i'm glad to have both u... *sob sob sob, terharu terharu. tissue plizz.. hii~*
to ima n aqma --> oh my group members for Digital Image Processing 3, i am so sorry for not attending such meetingssss *ala, bukan leh caya budak nadia ni. dia saje je tu tak nak datang discussion. uih uih. diam kau, sape kata aku tanak datang discussion? semalam aku ada kan? kan? kan?*, but i still try my best to give full commitment for the profect..
to bugee --> thanks because already set a specific time for us to finish Satellite & Sensor Design project *12am for this discussion. pheww! but it is ok for me ya!*

to IDIS staff --> kerja kerja kerja *walaupun macam ...... tapi kena kerjaan juga*.. hihihi~

to my b0ss *ahmad faiz*, diane, diana, zai, dill, nizam, syuk, and 43rd convo fiest committee --> 9 days more and whats gonna work, TEAMWORK.
to MPPs --> hoh, sometimes i really forget that i am still vice president activity because of convo matter. but i try my best to divide my time equally.

to my very go0d frens --> al damanhuri a.k.a razi *wah, akhirnya keluar juga nama kamu ya! hahaha~*, ekin, ina, seri, farah, aimie, wani, kak bihah, ilias, errr.. to0 much.. sorry if there are any name i didn't mention.. hihihi miss u all lotza!! bila nak kluar sama2 ih...

n for someone who is really cho0sy to choose a friend, i know u want a quality rather than quantity, but trust me, u wudn't regret for having lots of friends.. but i still agree, a very go0d, understanding and willing to be with for most of the time friend is really hard to find. this lyric is also dedicated for u.. v(^.^)

Di sini kita pernah bertemu
Mencari warna seindah pelangi
Ketika kau menghulurkan tanganmu
Membawaku ke daerah yang baru
dan hidupku kini ceria

Kini dengarkanlah
Dendangan lagu tanda ingatan
Kepadamu teman
Agar ikatan ukhuwah kan
Bersimpul padu

Kenangan bersamamu
Takkan ku lupa
Walau badai datang melanda
Walau bercerai jasad dan nyawa

Mengapa kita ditemukan
Dan akhirnya kita dipisahkan
Mungkinkah menguji kesetiaan
Kejujuran dan kemanisan iman
Tuhan berikan daku kekuatan

Mungkinkah kita terlupa
Tuhan ada janjinya
Bertemu berpisah kita
Ada rahmat dan kasihnya
Andai ini ujian
Terangilah kamar kesabaran
Pergilah derita hadirlah cahaya

i am happy...

03 August 2009

Jom Kita Ramai2 Solat Hajat Perdana di Pusat Islam UTM

Tarikh : 3 Ogos 2009
Tempat : Pusat Islam UTM (dahulu dikenali sebagai Masjid Sultan Ismail UTM)
Masa : 7.00 malam

Perkara : Solat hajat perdana berhubung dengan H1N1... marilah kita bersama meramaikannya..


01 August 2009

I am Lucky

I am lucky
Coz i have sisters
Who are really kind
Really understanding
Really helpful

I am lucky
Coz i am having them
To share my tears
Share my pain
Also my joy

Thanks Allah
For giving me
Such beautiful young ladies
They are not just beautiful
But they are like stars
Shining my dark side

This poem specially dedicated to my sisters

Shahira Vezani Mohamad Havez
Irma Noor Mayzura Mohamad Havez

Love both you so much... Mmmuuaaahh Mmmuaahh Mmmuuaahh :*

Habis tempoh kuarantin...

habis suda tempoh ini kuarantin. so boleh keluar suda dari ini bilik. selama ni keluar bilik pun pergi bilik air je. sob sob sob *eley, bajet sday kunun. takde takde...*

selama ni hanya handphone dan engineer tupperware je jadi peneman hidup. nasib baik engineer tupperware tu tak infected. kalau tak, siapa nak uruskan semua tupperware2 di malaysia ni dan tiadalah stok baru untuk tupperware. sempena kempen say no to polystrene, nanti stok tupperware dah habis stok, macam mana? eh eh.. mana aku melalut ni..

ok, dengan ini saya ingin mengumumkan, saya sudah sihat, walaupun bukan sepenuhnya, alhamdulillah... sikit2 kepala swing swing tu ada laa~ yang pasti, saya sudah boleh kembali bekerja. ya!!!

so, nyah kau penyakit dari badanku.. heh! hihiihihi...

nak keluar! nak keluar! nak keluar!
