Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

23 July 2009

What Kind of Boy Should You Be With? on Facebook

macam nak tergelak tengok result kuiz kat facebook nih.. hampeh tol laa~!

*gelak guling-guling..*

Your Result: Bad Boy

Girl, you need a bad boy... Someone that will make you wait on him... that's the only way boys hold your interest. Guys that give you everything you want will only bore you, and next thing you know you'll be looking for someone new. You need a challenge, so stop breaking those sweet boys hearts. Date a player, and who knows, maybe you'll be the first girl he's ever fallen for.

is there any naughty boy out there? ada cadangan tak siapa-siapa? hahaha~!


  1. oit ade facebook x add aku... nih ade yg bakal kene ketuk nih

  2. u dont see player as a player...

  3. v(^.^)>>
    dun c player s a player? explain plizz....

  4. dun like to xplain...juz like to think..hahah

  5. v(^.^)>>
    but u oredi xplaining lots.. (^_~)v
